In Salisbury, Wiltshire, UK
Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th October 2024
This event at Riverside will take place over two days (see timings below) and must be pre-booked and pre-paid, please. We will again be a smaller group than usual so it is advisable to book early. Refreshments are included together with a buffet lunch on Sunday but you will need to make your own arrangements for dinner on the Saturday evening.
Some rooms are currently available at the Riverside Hotel venue for Saturday night and there are many places in Salisbury and the surrounding area for accommodation if required, also many cafes and restaurants just a short walk away (at the moment the hotel’s restaurant is not open except for guests' breakfast).
Riverside Hotel, 70 Harnham Road, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP2 8JN
Website: riversidesalisbury.co.uk
Riverside is a hotel set in beautiful 1.5 acre grounds which lead down to the River Nadder and the historic water meadows.
It is within walking distance of Salisbury City centre. Plenty of parking is available at the hotel.
It is approximately 2 hours drive from London.
Saturday: Afternoon Meeting 2pm-5.30pm with a refreshment break
Sunday: 10am-1pm with a refreshment break
Meeting ends after a Buffet lunch served at 1pm with coffee and tea provided
£105 per person.
Registration and payment details for this event will be available on this page from the 1st July.
By Rail/Coach
Salisbury Railway Station is 1.2 miles away, a 7-minute taxi ride to Riverside Hotel. Alternatively, you can take the Town Path across the historic Water Meadows to the hotel—a 20-minute walk.
Frequent trains from London leave from Waterloo Station.
Express coaches also run from London Victoria to Salisbury and from other locations.
The following link will take you to a Google Maps page with details of the location and other information including alternative overnight accommodation: Location link

In Salisbury, Wiltshire, UK
Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th October 2024
This event at Riverside will take place over two days (see timings below) and must be pre-booked and pre-paid, please. We will again be a smaller group than usual so it is advisable to book early. Refreshments are included together with a buffet lunch on Sunday but you will need to make your own arrangements for dinner on the Saturday evening.
Some rooms are currently available at the Riverside Hotel venue for Saturday night and there are many places in Salisbury and the surrounding area for accommodation if required, also many cafes and restaurants just a short walk away (at the moment the hotel’s restaurant is not open except for guests' breakfast).
Riverside Hotel, 70 Harnham Road, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP2 8JN
Website: riversidesalisbury.co.uk
Riverside is a hotel set in beautiful 1.5 acre grounds which lead down to the River Nadder and the historic water meadows.
It is within walking distance of Salisbury City centre. Plenty of parking is available at the hotel.
It is approximately 2 hours drive from London.
Saturday: Afternoon Meeting 2pm-5.30pm with a refreshment break
Sunday: 10am-1pm with a refreshment break
Meeting ends after a Buffet lunch served at 1pm with coffee and tea provided
£105 per person.
Registration and payment details for this event will be available on this page from the 1st July.
Please complete the registration form here so that we have your details.
Send your payment with your booking.
The full cost is payable on reserving your place. This is non-refundable unless we can fill your place.
Whatever your payment method please make sure you identify your name clearly.

There are two ways to transfer payment for this event: either bank transfer or PayPal. Please ensure that your name is on your payment and that it matches your registration details.
Bank Details
Account name: Tony Parsons
Account No: 00965065
Sort code: 30-96-56
Swift Code: LOYDGB2L
IBAN (international bank account number) - GB53LOYD30965600965065
Alternatively, please click the button below to complete the full payment of £105 via PayPal:
Please contact the Office by:
* email at office@theopensecret.com
* phone 07795 413 467 or
* write to Reservations Office, Mushroom Cottage, Barkers Hill, Semley, Shaftesbury SP7 9BH