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Contact The Open Secret

By phone:

Please phone between 9am-12noon, Monday to Friday

07522 435563

By email:

Tony does not answer emails, but you can email a question and phone for a reply.


By post:

Mushroom Cottage, Barkers Hill, Semley SP7 9BH.


Photographs of Tony and Claire Parsons featured in this website courtesy of Rita Newman.


The ideas that are expressed under Tony Parsons or The Open Secret communications are a matter of opinion and do not represent any kind of truth or authority, nor do they recommend or offer any kind of personal teaching, prescription, process, method or advice as to why or how any individual should or should not live his/her life. It is apparent therefore that any participant's response or reaction to these communications is entirely and only a product of their own interpretation and their own responsibility.

All communications out of The Open Secret are provided for general information purposes only and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor or any other health care professional. If expert assistance or counselling is needed, the services of a competent professional should be sought.

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